Now, let me think... She explained to him why she was late. I'd also like to mail this letter. I'm very busy this week. Yeah, things are going really good. Peter has been trying to find a new apartment for some time. She was hit by a car. No, not yet. Tom heard this and got angry. We plan to climb that mountain.
Sergio Mendes Magalenha Mediafire: - Say it clearly.
- I am glad to be with you.
- What's that tall building?
- She found him handsome.
- I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry.
- I wanted some salt, but there was none in the jar.
- Some books.
- Which CD do you want to listen to?
- As soon as she opened the door, a cat ran out.
- What time is it?
She was humiliated by him. Who said? Today is extremely hot. He is lying through his teeth. I'm American. Thank you for the information. When will the concert be held? No, they're still together. I'll do everything I can. I get up at 5.15.
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